Friday, June 19, 2009

Dr. Dinesh Shetty - Gem of a Doctor

Tribute and Salute to the Messiah of the Poor - Dr. Dinesh Shetty

Glowing tributes with broken hearts would be paid on Saturday, June 20, 2009, by hundreds of well wishers, patients, doctors, politicians and journalists to Dr. Dinesh Dayanand Shetty, the upright, affable and lovable Senior Resident Medical Officer of the Sassoon General Hospital in Pune, as he bows out after more than 23 years of devoted service with sincerity and dignity, which no doctor in the hospital had ever achieved. His sincerity, dedication, devotation and service to the patients irrespective of their status would long and fondly be remembered. The only regret is that he thought it best to opt for Volunatary Retirement Scheme (VRS) more out of compulsion and frustration at the pathetic prevailing conditions of the Sassoon General Hospital, which he tried his level best to improve, but single handedly he could not achieve much.
There were many of the qualities for which Dr. Dinesh was applauded and appreciated. He had a impeccable image as non-corrupt, dauntless, blunt, affable, upright, and very helpful doctor. More he was a model role of a messiah of the patients irrespective of their status. He had personal and very close cordial contacts with several ministers, politicians of several parties, senior bureaucrats, senior journalists, several high court and local court judges and social workers, but the greatest beauty of his was that he never ever exploited this close proximity of relatins with them for his personal reason.
I am a witness to his wider contacts group, and know for sure that he was the darling of the powerful Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) leader and Maharashtra Finance Minister Dilip Walse- Patil. I am sure that Dr. Shetty's departure would come as a blow to the minister from Manchar in Pune district.I can vouch that he had more admirers than detractors in the hospital and the BJMC.
Dr. Shetty was more of an asset to the hospital and BJ Medical College than as a liablity like others. I recollect that during the last six months frustration was creeping in him at the deterioting condition in the hospital. He was more concerned about the hospital than of other things. He was always on the fore front of helping patients and understanding their problems and issues. He was the messiah for the poor patients. He was a strong link between the patients and the doctors. He was the one doctor in the hospital who was respected by every resident doctor, intern, head of departments and even the several deans that came and went from the BJMC.
I also remember how politicians respected him and loved him. The most favorable quote of paying a tribute to Dr. Shetty as the best doctor that the hospital would have came from Avinash Gofane, Deputy Sarpanch of Baramati and a powerful politician and close aide of federal agriculuture minister and NCP chief Sharad Pawar.
Dr. Shetty had the God's given gift to tackle and handle any situation with finesse. He came to rescue of several doctors that included Heads of Departments, who approached him to help them in their various issues.
Be it the Director of Public Health Department, or the Deputy Directors of the same department or senior IAS officers, Director of DMER or secretaries of the ministers, he was the doctor that they always looked forward to interact.
When Dr. Dinesh Shetty put in his papers for VRS in frustration of things failing at the hospital and an unwilling administration not willing to usher in discipline and put things on the right tract, several of his well wishers tried to persuade him to hold on and that his departure would be a set back to the poor patients in particular, but it appeared that Dr. Shetty had made up his mind and not willing to budge.
It's most unfortunate that no efforts were made by the hospital and BJMC administration to talk over to Dr. Shetty and persue him to withdraw his VRS. Thre was no such move. The gesture was just missing. This signified that no one cares what the hell goes with the patients or the hospital. That's a ungrateful gesture that was exhibited by the hospital and the medical institution. This is what is in store for upright, honest and non-corrupt doctors, while corrupt and corruption continues to thrive and is at its peak.
I saluate this great doctor, the messiah of the patients, a doctor that kept low profile and rendered service to the hosptial and the patients with complete humility and kindness.
Dear Dr. Shetty, you will always remain deep in the hearts of your well wishers and the patients and would long be remembered but not forgotten.
For me, your departure from the hospital is a bigger loss on a personal front, and so to the many who had love for you deep in their hearts. But I am sure that you would continue to be now more active on the social work scene, as you no longer remain bonded by any restrictions and is free bird now.
I wish you a very happy and prosperous future.God Bless You.
Shahid Raza Burney alias Sting Journo

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