Saturday, July 25, 2009

"Aam Admi" fire's email to President on RTI issue

This is the first email from Pune to the Honorable President on the the contempt shown by the Dean Dr. Arun Jamkar and Chief Administrative Officer Ganesh Narayan Bardare of the BJ Medical College and Sassoon General Hospital in Pune towards the RTI and how methods are being deployed by them mindlessly to scuttle the powerful weapon of RTI given to the Citizens. Also how complaints about these people to various authorities are not responded to which defeats the spirits of the law. Such people who defy the law should be punished and not let off lightly.

Quote: President's Secretariat

Your Request/Grievance Registration Number is : PRSEC/E/2009/00506Note: Kindly note your Request Registration Number for further references
An e-mail has been sent to the e-mail id, as provided by you

Dear President, Greetings,

The Right to Information Act. 2005 was ushered in to bring in transparency, accountablity and to contain corruption. But with my experience,this powerful weapon in the hands of the "Aam Admi" is being neglected by the government authorities themself.

For the past several years, I have been sending emails to the State Governor, Chief Minister, Chief Secretary, Secretary Medical Education Department and the Director of Medical Education and Research, bringing to their attention the contempt shown by the Dean of the BJ Medical College and Sassoon General Hospital, Pune, Dr. Arun Jamkar and the Chief Administrative Officer, Ganesh Narayan Bardare towards the RTI applications and appeals filed by me. Also I had pointed out how these two are incompetent and misfit for their posts, and how they are protecting and shielding those quilty,how scams exposed thru RTI are pushed beneath the carpet by Dr. Jamkar and Bardare. I explained how they are showing contempt to the RTI law and even to the verbal orders of the State Information Commission.

Unfortunately , there is no response from the Governor, CM, Chief Secretary, Secretary Medical Education or Director of DMER. No basic courtesy. The govenment website is nearly defucnt, and all email addresses on its website are completely defunct.

I seek your kind intervention to ensure that these peopel in the government respond to the people and that the emails are functional and action is taken against Dr. Jamkar and Bardare for harrasing and scuttling RTI applicants.

Thank you

Shahid Raza Burney
Senior Journalist and RTI Activist
Founder Member Humjanenge RTI Discussion Board

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