Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Administrative Arrogance And Contempt of RTI law

Open letter to Dr. Arun Jamkar, Dean BJMC and Sassoon General Hospital, Pune
Dear Dr. Jamkar, Greetings,

I regret of praising you before many personalities, and I take back those good things which communicated. A good administrator is one that understands or tries to understand. But unfortunately, you don’ adopt to any of this. You just fail to understand. You talk shoot big, and think the world is full of fools, the IAS officers are nuts and your are the only brilliant person in the world. Again, this is not true, but the reverse.

During our marathon meeting on Monday, I could see the administrative arrogance on written on your face and your stubborn attitude, unwilling to listen and understand. You yourself did not know what you were talking; many of the things were off the mark and made no sense. This indicated that your incompetence and a thinking of your being misfit in the post.

Well , you appear better in feeding disinformation and misleading the senior officials in the DMER and in the secretariat. But this does not always work, it can also turn counterproductive when the true facts get exposed.

During the meeting, you hysterically referring to Dr. Mrs. Bharadwaj, whom I had neither met nor seen for the past four months. Again you were trying to put forth incorrect facts full of lies and lies only.

What you forgot is that you are a Public Servant and working in a public authority. You also forgot that BJMC and SGH is a government property and not anybody’s fiefdom. Hence, by virtue of being a Public Servant, you cannot ill treat or misbehave with any Citizen. No one cares of your political affiliations if any. In democracy, the writ of the Citizens is supreme. You forget that Public servants are meant to serve the Citizens, discharge their duties sincerely and honestly.

It was funny that you were reminding that you were the Dean. Don’t the people know that you were a Dean? Now, you were mindlessly telling that you write Demi Official letters to the Chief Secretary, Principal Secretary, Secretaries and they do not response, so why should you response to the letters of the Citizens. Well, this can be best replied by those to whom you write, but this is not applicable when you communicate with Citizens. The call of duty and courtesy is that the Citizens have to be responded. To say, that it is not, is just a mockery of the system in which you work. No sensible administrator would ever make this statement.

You must know that if Public Servants fail to discharge their duties, and try to scuttle the law of the country, just like what is happening in your institution, and if the government is not listening, the Citizens has the option to knock at the doors of judiciary to give the wake up call. I don’t care if you ignore letters written to you, when a large majority of senior government officials take note of it.

There are many more things that can be narrated, but here I would like to nail all lies, prove your incompetence, and bring to the attention of the Honorable Governor Mr. SC Jamir,, the Chief Minister Mr. Ashok Chavan, the Minister of Higher Technical and Medical Education, Mr. Rajesh Tope, the Medical Education Department’s principal secretary Mr. Bhushan Gagarani, veteran social worker Mr. Anna Hazare and all RTI activists and Citizens of the country as to how the RTI is being sabotaged and how guilty are protected by you. It will expose all your misinformation to the government officials. I now quote below:

1. Since past nine months, your office PIO has not provided complete information
relating to the illegal construction of ground floor building of SOFOSH. No building
plans, no approval, no information who constructed it, etc. I had gone in First
Appeal and was told by the PIO that there is no information on this in office
records. The PIO passed the buck on to the PWD, and there is no response.
I was informed in writing that the files were missing.

2. Another RTI application relating to the construction of new building of SOFOSH in
the hospital campus, I was told both by the PIO and AA that except for GR, all
other correspondence between the Dean and the government were not traceable
and files related to it are missing.

3. Though SOFOSH is operating from the hospital campus, the institution or the
Hospital has no records as files are missing about the number of children taken
for adoption from Sassoon General Hospital. The buck was passed on to SOFOSH
as their was no files or records available with the hospital. SOFOSH in a letter to
Sassoon PIO said that they are not aware of the numbers of children taken from
the hospital for adoption.

4. RTI filed on the illegal occupation of rooms in BJMC in other parts of the campus b
by a private Consumer Society. No documents, no records, are available with the
institution. In appeal, vague answers were given, and appellant was informed that
there is no files, and they are missing.

5. RTI filed in CET issue and no information was provided, instead the PIO made un
reasonable demand of fees to a tune of Rs. 8000 all for information that was not
sought at all. The PIO flattered wrongly in many ways, that can be proven that
attempts were made to harass by unreasonable demand, which the Dean is trying
wrongly to protect the PIO. This gives credence that the Dean is hand in gloves.

6. Verbal orders of the Information Commissioner have been shown contempt by the
Dean. The Info Commission always give verbal orders initially and decision are
sent later. The Dean failed to implement the orders. The Info Commissioner has
directed that info sought relating to government orders/government resolutions
relating to prisoners being admitted to special rooms be provided. Since April
this has not been given. No action has been taken on misleading, incorrect and
false information given by the PIO relating to this issue. Prisoners have been
admitted to Special rooms without Court orders.

7. The FAA and Dean despite finding the PIO guilty, did not move further than just
halting after given the PIO a show cause notice. Instead of moving further on
taking administrative action and recommending action, he had not done anything.
This exhibits the fishy role of the Dean.

8. Inspite of bringing to your attention several times in writing and verbally that FIR
should be filed for missing files and even after citing several decisions, no action is
taken to file the FIRs for the past several months.

These incidents are just the tip of the iceberg. There are several others documentary evidence to prove the Dean’s incompetency.

Now, Dr. Jamkar, how many things will you refute. All your lies will be exposed. You are doing a great dis-service both to the government and the Citizens by showing contempt to the RTI law and the IC orders. You are putting senior government officials in embarrassing situation.

Though I do not wish, but am compelled by the circumstances to tell the government to initiate a inquiry into all the issues that I have raised through RTI applications. All those found guilty should be punished.

Evidences will speak for itself as to how you have tried to protect and shield those responsible for scams and irregularities and how government had been put to loss.

Don’t threat the Citizens. Don’t mislead your senior officials and Don’t circulate disinformation, Dr. Jamkar. Enough is Enough. And mind well, I am not the one who will take any wrong things lightly. To serve the people is my mission and objective.
And finally please read the Preamble to the RTI Act. and specially the first para, That would be enough to understand the least for you.

Thanks and wish you all the best

Shahid Raza Burney

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