Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Attempting to throttle RTI law will only boomerang Dr. Jamkar

Attempting to throttle RTI law will only bommerang Dr. Jamakar

Even after five years if people in government, particularly the high profile and educated class, do not understand a very simple Right to Information Act. 2005, it is the misfortune of the country to have such 'idiots' in the government. And this is plain speaking - the bitter truth.

And it would not be wrong to say that at least in Maharashtra, we have a enough majority of such people, who neither willing to learn nor understand nor implement the provisions in the law, but are one step ahead in trying their best in finding ways how to throttle the RTI law and adopt means and methods to browbeat the appellants, create obstacles and dash out equally 'stupid, irrevelant and meaningless letters" to those who are not even remotely involved with the initial RTI applications. And one such case I had highlighted of the PIO of the BJ Medical College in Pune, in this blog two days ago.

Now since these people, lets summarize them or refer to them as "buffoons" are not able to understand the law in English or taxing their brains to read the fine print of the RTI law, but instead wasting their time and energy in doing all the opposite of the law, let me put the very first paragraph of the RTI law so that they do not indulge in all the stupid acts of trying there useless tricks to harrass and create obstacle in the way of the appellant getting information.

"THE RIGHT TO INFORMATION ACT, 2005 No. 22 of 2005 [15th June, 2005.] An Act to provide for setting out the practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, the constitution of a Central Information Commission and State Information Commissions and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.

WHEREAS the Constitution of India has established democratic Republic; AND WHEREAS democracy requires an informed citizenry and transparency of information which are vital to its functioning and also to contain corruption and to hold Governments and their instrumentalities accountable to the governed;

Now what we witness is that some disgruntled PIO's like that we have in the BJ Medical College do not use their brains to be doing their duties for which they are appointed. Instead they have malicious intentions as how to misguide their superiors and fire illogial and mindless letters. Their sole aim instead of abiding by the law and helping the RTI appellants is more of putting the appellants to inconviences, obstructing the natural path of justice and transparency, and making stupid demands of unreasonable fees.

Such PIO;s and even their superiors the FAA's are doing more harm than good to the law and the country. Such people, as I very rightly described in my blog are 'dead woods' and need to be sacked under the Constitution of Article 311. These people do not understand, that any of their malifide intentions or stupid actions may only create problems for them and more boomerang on them itself.

The main objective of an appellant is to highlight and bring to notice the corruption and demand transparency. And this is very clearly and transparently mentioned in the first paragraph of the law, yet throwing all these to the wind, these ignorant PIO;s and FAA's engage themselves in sabotaging the law.

In a democracy, every citizen has the liberty of freedom of expression and speech. No one can dare take away this freedom from the citizens, least the PIO's or the FAA's. If they try to do so, the government should be potent and not impotent to sack them without delay. Such officials are a misfit in a democracy.

The example of the PIO of BJ Medical College in trying to do one such act by making a demand for an unreasonable fees, can be challenged in the State Information Commission directly under Section 18. He can be punished for such acts and even disciplinary action can be initiated.

Its pity that the FAA of the BJ Medical College, Dr. Arun Jamkar, is not taking the RTI Act seriously. Action on several of my applications and appeals, even on the direction of the State Information Commission, are pending for months and no action is being initiated, which is defiance and contempt of the law.

Important files that relate to my application are missing, and despite several SIC and CIC decisions that the PIO should file FIR for the missing files, are being dilly-dallyed for no justified reasons for several months.

Dr. Jamkar, you are equally guility of showing negligence towards the provisions of the law and this only exhibits that you are trying to shield the PIO as well as disobeying the law and the verbal orders of the Commission. This is not and was not expected from you.

It's time that you as the Dean and the FAA do justice to the law and to your post, honor the law and its provisions, and ensure that the RTI law is respected in letter and spirit.

Yes as a dauntless journalist and speaking dauntlessly, I would like to tell you that it's time that you act and respect the law of the country.

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