Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Operation Cover-up in Sassoon and Aundh Hospital

Honorable Chief Minister of Maharashtra
Mr. Ashok Chavan,

Dr. Rajesh Tope,
Minister of State for Medical Education
, MS

Dr. Bhushan Gagrani, IAS,
Principal Secretary, Medical Education Dept., MS

Dear Sir, Greetings,

Below is the story Operation Cover-up which speaks for itself the inhuman and pathetic conditons prevailing in the Sassoon and Aundh hospital. Its surprising that such and many other issues that reflect directly on the health of the Citizens have been ignored for ages at these two hospitals. The question now is when will the state government and the bureaucracy wake up? Please read the below feature article in Pune Mirror dated July 07, 2009.

Thanks and regards§id=2&contentid=2009070720090707030757573c4a998d9§xslt&pageno=1

Operation Cover-up

25-yr-old pregnant woman is shunted from Aundh hospital to Sassoon. She delivers her son in an ambulance. When Pune Mirror tries to investigate, hospitals begin...

By Vijay Chavan
Posted On Tuesday, July 07, 2009 at 03:07:57 AM

Sujata Wakale (above) with her newborn son, and her hurriedly-prepared medical report (Below) without any signatures or stamps of the concerned authorities

Friday was supposed to be the happiest day of 25-year-old Sujata Manik Wakale’s life, but things took a turn for the worse on that day.

Pimple Nilakh resident Sujata, who was nine months pregnant when she got herself admitted to Aundh General Hospital on Friday, claims she ended up delivering her baby boy in an ambulance with only a hospital sweeper at her side — all because of the callous attitude of two city hospitals.

Sujata was accompanied by her sister to Aundh hospital. After her sister went out to fetch some medicines, Sujata went into labour around 8.30 pm.

Sensing that their shift was about to end, the on-duty doctors decided to shift Sujata to Sassoon General Hospital.

Sujata was sent to Sassoon by an ambulance, and she was accompanied by a lady hospital sweeper. Sujata’s misery didn’t end there.

On reaching Sassoon, she was told that she couldn’t be admitted as she had no relative accompanying her. That is how she ended up delivering her son in an ambulance. It was only after that was she taken back by Aundh hospital.

Aundh hospital’s emergency cover-op
When this reporter turned up at Aundh hospital and enquired with the resident medical officer Dr N G Bhosle, a cover-up operation commenced.

Reports documenting Sujata’s ill-health prior to her delivery were hurriedly assembled, without signatures of concerned doctors or medical officers, and handed over to this reporter.

Inquiry on: hospital
Dr M C Nagare, in-charge of Aundh hospital, said, “We have begun an inquiry into the issue. If any irregularity or negligence is detected, the concerned doctors will definitely be suspended.”

The delivery
Sujata said, “My pain started around 8.30 pm. Then two lady doctors came to examine me. After a few minutes, they advised me to go to Sassoon Hospital.

They asked a lady sweeper who works in the gynaecology ward to accompany me. When we reached Sassoon hospital around 9.30 pm, the doctors there asked if I had brought any relatives with me.

The sweeper refused to stay by my side. In the absence of relatives, the doctors there refused to treat me. I had no option but to return.

“On the way back, around 10 pm, the pain became unbearable and I delivered during the commute, in the vehicle. The sweeper lady took care of me. I was then taken back into Aundh hospital,” Sujata added.

Well equipped, but not so inclinedDr M C Nagare, gynaecologist at Aundh hospital, said, “The hospital has all the necessary equipment to take care of patients.

But if she was sent to Sassoon, the matter must have been serious.” Dr Nagare then directed this reported to talk to Dr Bhosle.

At that time, Bhosle was not in the hospital, and arrived only an hour later. The medical reports that Dr Bhosle showed to this reporter mentioned ‘anaemia and some ECG changes’.

But these reports lacked laboratory stamps and signatures of concerned medical officer on duty. It’s clear that the report was ‘prepared’ at the last moment.

Sassoon hospital’s version
Dr P S Pawar, superintendent of Sassoon hospital, said, “According to our records, a woman had sought admission in our hospital on Friday night.

But she was never denied admission. Any woman who comes in with labour pain has to be admitted even if relatives are absent.

Allegations made by Aundh hospital are baseless. At least 25 delivery cases are registered in our hospital every day. Either the patient refused to get admitted or the woman accompanying her refused to give her company.”

This incident raised the following points
Dr Nagare claims Aundh hospital is well-equipped. If that’s the case, why was Sujata shunted to Sassoon hospital just because of anaemia and minor ECG changes?

The time when Sujata was asked to move to Sassoon hospital coincided with the end of duties for the two lady doctors attending to her. Despite being women themselves, they didn’t seem too keen to take her responsibility after the end of their shift

Ideally, the hospital administration should have sent a nurse or a doctor to accompany Sujata as it was an emergency. But instead, a sweeper was sent with her

Despite knowing that Sassoon hospital won’t accept patients without relatives by their side, why did Aundh hospital authorities send Sujata without somebody in a position of authority by her side?

It seems the government scheme, Janani Suraksha Abhiyan, is not applicable in the government-run Aundh hospital as Sujata claimed to have been harassed for payment of her dues amounting to Rs 350. Hospital authorities allegedly threatened her that they won’t discharge her until she paid her dues

Sujata’s delivery was normal and her baby’s health is fine. There is no mention of any complication in her post-delivery reports

1 comment:

  1. I sum up in one word - SHAME. These educated doctors in administrative posts have no dignity and no self - respect. The National Human Rights Commission and State Human Rights Commission should take serius cognizance of this sad incident and the state government should send the Dean of the hospital packing, Does such case makes my country proud and is Mera Desh Mahan?
