Saturday, July 25, 2009

"Aam Admi" fire's email to President on RTI issue

This is the first email from Pune to the Honorable President on the the contempt shown by the Dean Dr. Arun Jamkar and Chief Administrative Officer Ganesh Narayan Bardare of the BJ Medical College and Sassoon General Hospital in Pune towards the RTI and how methods are being deployed by them mindlessly to scuttle the powerful weapon of RTI given to the Citizens. Also how complaints about these people to various authorities are not responded to which defeats the spirits of the law. Such people who defy the law should be punished and not let off lightly.

Quote: President's Secretariat

Your Request/Grievance Registration Number is : PRSEC/E/2009/00506Note: Kindly note your Request Registration Number for further references
An e-mail has been sent to the e-mail id, as provided by you

Dear President, Greetings,

The Right to Information Act. 2005 was ushered in to bring in transparency, accountablity and to contain corruption. But with my experience,this powerful weapon in the hands of the "Aam Admi" is being neglected by the government authorities themself.

For the past several years, I have been sending emails to the State Governor, Chief Minister, Chief Secretary, Secretary Medical Education Department and the Director of Medical Education and Research, bringing to their attention the contempt shown by the Dean of the BJ Medical College and Sassoon General Hospital, Pune, Dr. Arun Jamkar and the Chief Administrative Officer, Ganesh Narayan Bardare towards the RTI applications and appeals filed by me. Also I had pointed out how these two are incompetent and misfit for their posts, and how they are protecting and shielding those quilty,how scams exposed thru RTI are pushed beneath the carpet by Dr. Jamkar and Bardare. I explained how they are showing contempt to the RTI law and even to the verbal orders of the State Information Commission.

Unfortunately , there is no response from the Governor, CM, Chief Secretary, Secretary Medical Education or Director of DMER. No basic courtesy. The govenment website is nearly defucnt, and all email addresses on its website are completely defunct.

I seek your kind intervention to ensure that these peopel in the government respond to the people and that the emails are functional and action is taken against Dr. Jamkar and Bardare for harrasing and scuttling RTI applicants.

Thank you

Shahid Raza Burney
Senior Journalist and RTI Activist
Founder Member Humjanenge RTI Discussion Board

'आम आदमी'ची कैफियत राष्ट्रपती भवनापर्यंत...

म. टा. विशेष प्रतिनिधी। नवी दिल्ली Saturday, July 25, 2009

तुमची एखादी महत्त्वाची फाइल पास करण्यासाठी सरकारी अधिकारी त्यावर वजन ठेवायला सांगतोय? तुमच्या गल्लीतल्या गुंडाला 'खाकी' संरक्षण मिळतेय? तुमच्या स्वयंसेवी संस्थेला सरकारी मदत हवी आहे? तर मग थेट संपर्क साधा राष्ट्रपती भवनाशी. तुमच्या तक्रारी-सूचनांची योग्य दखल घेऊन त्यावर कार्यवाही करण्यात येईल, याची खात्री बाळगा...

देशातील आम आदमीचे कनेक्शन थेट राष्ट्रपती भवनाशी जोडण्याची किमया साधणार आहे ते नामक पोर्टल. राष्ट्रपती प्रतिभा पाटील यांनी शुक्रवारी त्याचा शुभारंभ केला. सरकारी अथवा बिगर सरकारी यंत्रणेद्वारे होणारी सर्वसामान्यांची छळवणूक वा अन्य स्वरूपाच्या व्यथा, वेदना, तक्रारींची दखल त्यातून राष्ट्रपती भवन घेईल.

राष्ट्रपती भवनात विविध प्रकारच्या तक्रारींची रोज सरासरी ७५० पत्रे येतात. यातली निम्म्याहून अधिक पत्रे टपालातून येतात. तर, इतर तक्रारी ई-मेल, फॅक्स आणि कुरिअरसारख्या माध्यमातून येतात. त्यातील बहुतांश तक्रारी पोलिसांचे अत्याचार, सार्वजनिक सोयींची हेळसांड, सरकारी अथवा बिगर सरकारी यंत्रणांद्वारे होणारा छळ, सरकारी मदत व खासगी समस्यांशी संबंधित असतात. राष्ट्रपतींकडे पाठवलेल्या आपल्या तक्रारीचे पुढे नेमके काय झाले, याची अद्ययावत माहिती आतापर्यंत तक्रारदाराला कळत नसे. मात्र आता हेल्पलाइन पोर्टलवर आपण पाठवलेल्या तक्रारीची ताजी स्थिती काय, हे कळू शकेल. ई-याचिका दाखल करणे, पुराव्याचे दस्तावेज स्कॅन करून पाठवणे, ई-मेलद्वारे तक्रार मिळाल्याची पोहोचपावती मिळणे आदी अनेक वैशिष्ट्ये या पोर्टलमधे आहेत.

रोज मिळणाऱ्या तक्रारींची छाननी राष्ट्रपती भवनातील हेल्पलाईन डेस्कतफेर् यापुढे केली जाईल. छाननीत प्रामाणिक व योग्य वाटणाऱ्या तक्रारी संबंधित विभाग व मंत्रालयांकडे पाठवण्यात येतील. मंत्रालय केंद सरकारचे असो अथवा राज्य सरकारशी संबंधित, राष्ट्रपतींकडून येणाऱ्या तक्रारींकडे कोणालाही दुर्लक्ष करता येणार नाही, हा या पोर्टलचा विशेष आहे.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Administrative Arrogance And Contempt of RTI law

Open letter to Dr. Arun Jamkar, Dean BJMC and Sassoon General Hospital, Pune
Dear Dr. Jamkar, Greetings,

I regret of praising you before many personalities, and I take back those good things which communicated. A good administrator is one that understands or tries to understand. But unfortunately, you don’ adopt to any of this. You just fail to understand. You talk shoot big, and think the world is full of fools, the IAS officers are nuts and your are the only brilliant person in the world. Again, this is not true, but the reverse.

During our marathon meeting on Monday, I could see the administrative arrogance on written on your face and your stubborn attitude, unwilling to listen and understand. You yourself did not know what you were talking; many of the things were off the mark and made no sense. This indicated that your incompetence and a thinking of your being misfit in the post.

Well , you appear better in feeding disinformation and misleading the senior officials in the DMER and in the secretariat. But this does not always work, it can also turn counterproductive when the true facts get exposed.

During the meeting, you hysterically referring to Dr. Mrs. Bharadwaj, whom I had neither met nor seen for the past four months. Again you were trying to put forth incorrect facts full of lies and lies only.

What you forgot is that you are a Public Servant and working in a public authority. You also forgot that BJMC and SGH is a government property and not anybody’s fiefdom. Hence, by virtue of being a Public Servant, you cannot ill treat or misbehave with any Citizen. No one cares of your political affiliations if any. In democracy, the writ of the Citizens is supreme. You forget that Public servants are meant to serve the Citizens, discharge their duties sincerely and honestly.

It was funny that you were reminding that you were the Dean. Don’t the people know that you were a Dean? Now, you were mindlessly telling that you write Demi Official letters to the Chief Secretary, Principal Secretary, Secretaries and they do not response, so why should you response to the letters of the Citizens. Well, this can be best replied by those to whom you write, but this is not applicable when you communicate with Citizens. The call of duty and courtesy is that the Citizens have to be responded. To say, that it is not, is just a mockery of the system in which you work. No sensible administrator would ever make this statement.

You must know that if Public Servants fail to discharge their duties, and try to scuttle the law of the country, just like what is happening in your institution, and if the government is not listening, the Citizens has the option to knock at the doors of judiciary to give the wake up call. I don’t care if you ignore letters written to you, when a large majority of senior government officials take note of it.

There are many more things that can be narrated, but here I would like to nail all lies, prove your incompetence, and bring to the attention of the Honorable Governor Mr. SC Jamir,, the Chief Minister Mr. Ashok Chavan, the Minister of Higher Technical and Medical Education, Mr. Rajesh Tope, the Medical Education Department’s principal secretary Mr. Bhushan Gagarani, veteran social worker Mr. Anna Hazare and all RTI activists and Citizens of the country as to how the RTI is being sabotaged and how guilty are protected by you. It will expose all your misinformation to the government officials. I now quote below:

1. Since past nine months, your office PIO has not provided complete information
relating to the illegal construction of ground floor building of SOFOSH. No building
plans, no approval, no information who constructed it, etc. I had gone in First
Appeal and was told by the PIO that there is no information on this in office
records. The PIO passed the buck on to the PWD, and there is no response.
I was informed in writing that the files were missing.

2. Another RTI application relating to the construction of new building of SOFOSH in
the hospital campus, I was told both by the PIO and AA that except for GR, all
other correspondence between the Dean and the government were not traceable
and files related to it are missing.

3. Though SOFOSH is operating from the hospital campus, the institution or the
Hospital has no records as files are missing about the number of children taken
for adoption from Sassoon General Hospital. The buck was passed on to SOFOSH
as their was no files or records available with the hospital. SOFOSH in a letter to
Sassoon PIO said that they are not aware of the numbers of children taken from
the hospital for adoption.

4. RTI filed on the illegal occupation of rooms in BJMC in other parts of the campus b
by a private Consumer Society. No documents, no records, are available with the
institution. In appeal, vague answers were given, and appellant was informed that
there is no files, and they are missing.

5. RTI filed in CET issue and no information was provided, instead the PIO made un
reasonable demand of fees to a tune of Rs. 8000 all for information that was not
sought at all. The PIO flattered wrongly in many ways, that can be proven that
attempts were made to harass by unreasonable demand, which the Dean is trying
wrongly to protect the PIO. This gives credence that the Dean is hand in gloves.

6. Verbal orders of the Information Commissioner have been shown contempt by the
Dean. The Info Commission always give verbal orders initially and decision are
sent later. The Dean failed to implement the orders. The Info Commissioner has
directed that info sought relating to government orders/government resolutions
relating to prisoners being admitted to special rooms be provided. Since April
this has not been given. No action has been taken on misleading, incorrect and
false information given by the PIO relating to this issue. Prisoners have been
admitted to Special rooms without Court orders.

7. The FAA and Dean despite finding the PIO guilty, did not move further than just
halting after given the PIO a show cause notice. Instead of moving further on
taking administrative action and recommending action, he had not done anything.
This exhibits the fishy role of the Dean.

8. Inspite of bringing to your attention several times in writing and verbally that FIR
should be filed for missing files and even after citing several decisions, no action is
taken to file the FIRs for the past several months.

These incidents are just the tip of the iceberg. There are several others documentary evidence to prove the Dean’s incompetency.

Now, Dr. Jamkar, how many things will you refute. All your lies will be exposed. You are doing a great dis-service both to the government and the Citizens by showing contempt to the RTI law and the IC orders. You are putting senior government officials in embarrassing situation.

Though I do not wish, but am compelled by the circumstances to tell the government to initiate a inquiry into all the issues that I have raised through RTI applications. All those found guilty should be punished.

Evidences will speak for itself as to how you have tried to protect and shield those responsible for scams and irregularities and how government had been put to loss.

Don’t threat the Citizens. Don’t mislead your senior officials and Don’t circulate disinformation, Dr. Jamkar. Enough is Enough. And mind well, I am not the one who will take any wrong things lightly. To serve the people is my mission and objective.
And finally please read the Preamble to the RTI Act. and specially the first para, That would be enough to understand the least for you.

Thanks and wish you all the best

Shahid Raza Burney

Friday, July 10, 2009

Letter to Maharashtra Chief Secretary on false allegation on RTI application

Letter to Maharashtra Chief Secretary on false allegations on RTI application by Dr. Arun Jamkar, Dean BJMC and Sassoon Hospital and Ganesh Bardare, PIO, BJMC
Pune, Friday, July 10, 2009
Mr. Johny Joseph
Chief Secretary, Government of Maharashtra
Mumbai – 400 032

Dear Mr. Joseph, Greetings,

I would like to place this letter on record for the attention of the Chief Minister, Mr. Ashok Chavan, your goodself and Dr. Bhushan Gagrani, the Medical Education Department Secretary, relating to the contempt of the Right to Information Act 2005 by Dr. Arun Jamkar, the Dean of BJ Medical College and Sassoon General Hospital in Pune as also by Mr. Ganesh Baradare, the Chief Administrative Office, both the First Appellate Authority and State Public Information Officer.

As a senior journalist of 40 long years of standing in local, regional, national and international electronic and print media, I am shocked to learn about the baseless and unfounded allegations that both of these have leveled against me for the use of RTI during the visit of Dr. Gagrani to the institution and hospital today (10 July 2009).

In line with my long journalistic career, I would like to state here that several governors, chief ministers, state and central ministers, bureaucrats, police officers, local, regional and national level politicians, including several international leaders that have known me, can vouch of my blunt attitude. Not a single of these can believe that I had ever indulged in negative criticism. All throughout my career in India and abroad, I had always thought it a honor and pride to work for humanity and fight corruption. So, the allegations of the Dean Dr. Arun Jamkar to Dr. Gagrani that filing of my RTI applications was part of some kind of harassment, is totally fabricated, false and outright a charge that cannot be proven.

Sir, 40 years in my field has been a long journey. I had the honor to be the only Indian journalist to cover the Gulf War and be night and day on all the international TV networks and a constant face on the Larry King live show of CNN during the Gulf War. To accuse, a person with false allegations, which cannot be proven, against a person who has played a key role in the Maharashtra Right to Information Act 2002, is painful, particularly from Dr. Jamkar. Either he proves the charge, or he offers and unconditional apology.

Sir, many of the chief ministers including the late Shankarao Chavan, father of the present chief minister, Mr. Vilasrao Deshmukh, Mr. A.R. Antulay, etc, have been my personal and close friends. Several of the IAS officers, some retired as Chief Secretaries, and some presently serving in different posts as Additional Chief Secretaries, Principal Secretaries, Secretaries, Divisional Commissioners, Collectors, many of them being sons of my friends, can vouch of my credibility. Even more IPS officers like the present DGP Mr. SS Virk, former DGP, AN Roy, Mumbai police commissioner D.Shivandan, Additional Director General of Police State CID, Mr. SPS Yadav, are also the few among the many who will speak of my credibility and integrity.

Sir, Dr. Jamkar and his PIO, should first read the very first para of the preamble of the RTI Act. 2005. The very first paragraph of the preamble states that the law was made to usher in transparency and accountability in governance and to contain corruption. This very simple law is not understood till today by Dr. Jamkar and his staff though the law is now more than six years old.

Sir, my foremost objective to use the act is totally in line of serving the people to whom the law is a powerful weapon vested by the federal government. It is the Citizen’s right to seek information for which the law was made. The learned fails to understand that the rights given by the law to the people cannot be throttled, curbed or obstructed, which would defeat the very purpose for which it is ushered in for the people.

The RTI law has been very successfully used by bureaucrats in Maharashtra and in the country. A senior diplomat Ms. Bhaduri had used it when she was denied the post of the foreign secretary. Principal Secretary (GAD) of Maharashtra Ms. Leena Mehandale had used it against the Pune Municipal Corporation and has a blog site, Addl. Collector Prahlad Kachare has been using it, besides political leaders like Ramdas Kadam, Gopinath Munde and several others, not to speak of professors from the Government hospital, like from Aurangabad against its dean Dr. Anand Malik, who also served in Pune, and who was penalized by the Information Commission, by way of his pension being stopped. There are many cases, which I can cite.

But I am surprised at the way Dr. Jamkar and his team are trying to scuttle the attempts of RTI activists like me, Advocate Saleem Shaikh, noted activist Vihar Durve, and few from the hospital itself.

Sir, I had observed utmost restraint so far to speak out against the negative aspects of Dr. Jamkar and the CAO Mr. Ganesh Bardare. And I am sorry to state that both of them are a total misfit in their posts. These two are more of an liability than an asset to the institution and hospital. Their administrative skills exhibit their incompetence and expose their inability to provide a good administration.

I know that a senior NCP minister has been allergic to the Dean and did not want him posted back here. It is pathetic that Dr. Arun Jamkar should be posted back in Pune after serving here for more than 28 years, which is against the policy of the government as well against the spirits of ‘Maharashtra Government Servants Regulation of Transfers and Prevention of Delay in Discharge of Official Duties Act, 2005’’. I am not aware, but heard that Dr. Jamkar had managed to get back with the help of Dr. Wasudeo Tayade, the Director of DMER and with political help from the Chief Minister. If this is true, then this again defeats the purpose of the law for which social activist Anna Hazare had so aggressively worked hard.

Sir, despite rebuke from the Information Commission, Dr.Arun Jamkar and Bardare had been showing all contempt to the law. Several of my RTI applications have not been responded despite the verbal orders of the Commission to dispose it off. It has been merry go round for me on my applications filed as back as February 2009. Several of the decisions are just ‘funny’ which exhibits the non application of mind of both the FAA and the PIO, for which even the Commission has pulled them up.

Vague, evasive, misleading, incomplete, incorrect and false information is given in some cases. In a case relating to land to a NGO, the files are missing, as officially informed to me. Yet, despite several decisions by the CIC and SIC, that FIR should be lodged, the FAA and PIO are sitting on the issue, without taking any action. This attitude gives apprehensions that the Dean is trying to protect and shield those officials who were incharge of the files. If the government can take action on the missing files in the RTI issue raised by Opposition leader Ramdas Kadam or the UP government handing the case of missing files to the CBI in the Babri Masjid case, what had prevented the Dean from filing a case of missing files for the past six months?

Sir, my whole contention of filing RTI applications is to get to the roots of the several scams and scandals and financial irregularities that have taken place in the BJ Medical College and Sassoon Hospital. My purpose is also to go deep into the vast corruption that is prevailing here. The objective is to bring out the skeltons from the cupboard. It is rightly to demand transparency and accountability and to root out corruption.

The Dean should know well, that the institution and the hospital is public property and not the fiefdom of anybody. It belongs to the people and the state. Seeking information to dig out corruption and financial irregularities is not harassment. Public money is not for laundering.

Honorable minister for finance Mr. Dilip Walse-Patil, had earmarked several crores for the upgradation of the Sassoon Hospital, yet machines meant for the benefit of the people are gathering dust, and the crores going waste on these machines. Cold storage boxes in the Forensic medicine tendered for Blue Star has been faked and substandard cold storage boxes worth crores bunked in for which the original Blue Star is not willing to maintain. The funds for CET provided by the government has several financial irregularities. Action is not taken against the Deputy Supdt, for providing wrong, misleading and incorrect information despite the orders of the Commission. No action is taken against the Deputy Supdt, for unauthorizedly issuing age certificates despite being warned by the Deputy Secretary of the Medical Education Department.

Sir, in some of the cases cited above, and in the interest of the institution and the hospital, you can see, that Dr. Arun Jamkar had mislead and provided false information and made unproven allegations against me to Dr. Bhushan Gagrani, and this cannot be taken lightly. When I praise Dr. Jamkar, he likes it and when a healthy criticism is made, he jumps the gun and goes wild with allegations. His double standards attitude has created lots of confusion and unrest among the medical fraternity, the people, and in the politicians, not to speak of journalists.

In the interest of the maintaining harmony, and preventing any unrest, and for the sake of better administration and image of the government, institution, hospital and RTI law, I think it would be better if Dr. Arun Jamkar and the CAO Ganesh Bardare are moved out of Pune and some better people replace them.

Sir, last but not the least, if Dr. Jamkar does not apologize and put forth the truthful facts to you and Dr. Gagrani, then I would consider the option of filing a Writ in the Bombay High Court to protect my dignity and credibility.

Thanks and regards,
Shahid Raza Burney
Senior Journalist and
Founder Member Hum Janenge RTI Discussion Board,

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Mumbai High Court fines Addl. Chef Secretary (Health) and Director Health

अति. मुख्य सचिवांसह पाच अधिकाऱ्यांना ३५ हजाराचा दंड10 Jul 2009, 0026 hrs IST
तुरुंगातील एचआयव्ही व एड्सग्रस्त कैद्यांच्या स्थितीबद्दल तपशिल न देणे आणि 'म्हाडा'च्या घरांबद्दल दिशाभूल करणारी माहिती दिल्याने, या दोन प्रकरणांमध्ये गुरुवारी हायकोर्टाने अतिरिक्त मुख्य सचिवांचासह पाच सरकारी अधिकाऱ्यांना एकूण ३५ हजार रुपयांचा दंड ठोठावला.

या संदर्भात मुख्य न्या. स्वतंत्रकुमार व न्या. सत्यरंजन धर्माधिकारी यांच्या खंडपीठापुढे सुनावणी झाली, त्यावेळी संतप्त झालेल्या हायकोर्टाने वरील आदेश दिले.

यापैकी एचआयव्ही व एड्सग्रस्त कैद्यांच्या स्थितीविषयी हायकोर्टाकडे आलेल्या पत्राची दखल घेऊन ते जनहित याचिकेत रुपांतरित करण्यात आले होते. त्यानुसार वस्तुस्थिती व उपाय याची माहिती देणारा अहवाल द्यावा, असे आदेश कोर्टाने गेल्या सुनावणीत दिले होते. मात्र तो अहवाल सादर न केल्याने खंडपीठाने अतिरिक्त मुख्य सचिव ( आरोग्य), आरोग्य संचालक आणि तुरुंग महानिरीक्षक यांना प्रत्येकी पाच हजार रुपयांचा दंड कोर्टाने ठोठावला.

'म्हाडा' प्रकरणात अर्जदारांच्या म्हणण्यानुसार, बांधण्यात येणाऱ्या घरांच्या तळमजल्यावर व्यापारी गाळे असल्याने घरांची किंमत कमी करण्यात यावी. मात्र व्यापारी गाळे बांधण्याचा निर्णयच असल्याचे सांगण्याचा सरकारी वकिलांनी प्रयत्न केला. त्यावर 'म्हाडा' च्या माहितीपत्रकात मात्र तसा उल्लेख नसल्याचे अर्जदारातफेर् कोर्टाच्या निदर्शनाला आणण्यात आले असता कोर्टाने एम. ए. बशीर व एम . के. साठे या दोघा अधिकाऱ्यांना प्रत्येकी दहा हजार रुपयांचा दंड सुनावला. पाचही अधिकाऱ्यांनी स्वत:च्या खिशातून ही रक्कम द्यायची आहे.

SIC orders Disciplinary Action against Principal Secretary for RTI negligence

TIMES OF INDIA, 9th July 2009

SIC orders Disciplinary Action against Principal Secretary for RTI negligence

LUCKNOW: The State Information Commission (SIC) took a strict stand against the principal secretary of public enterprises department, Sunanda Prasad and ordered disciplinary action against her for not taking the provisions of the Right to Information (RTI) Act seriously.

The order passed by information commissioner, Gyanendra Sharma, in one of the recent judgments stated that the official invited disciplinary action against her for interfering in the work of the public information officer (PIO) of her department, for not taking her role of first appeals authority seriously and for violating the provisions of the Act. This is for the first time that commission has ordered disciplinary action against an IAS officer of the rank of principal secretary.

The case pertains to an RTI query made by an applicant, Rajeshwar Prasad, to the PIO of the department on January 21, 2007, about the appointment and pay scale of one of the employees of the department, Neerja Krishna. After applicant approached the commission, the department was asked to submit the entire details (files) on the action taken by the department on the query of the applicant.

The findings are shocking, the Act is three-years old in the state but even most of the higher level officials are ignorant about its existence... moreover, senior officials want to fail the system by way of which the Act is to be implemented, is the observation made by the commissioner in the order.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Operation Cover-up in Sassoon and Aundh Hospital

Honorable Chief Minister of Maharashtra
Mr. Ashok Chavan,

Dr. Rajesh Tope,
Minister of State for Medical Education
, MS

Dr. Bhushan Gagrani, IAS,
Principal Secretary, Medical Education Dept., MS

Dear Sir, Greetings,

Below is the story Operation Cover-up which speaks for itself the inhuman and pathetic conditons prevailing in the Sassoon and Aundh hospital. Its surprising that such and many other issues that reflect directly on the health of the Citizens have been ignored for ages at these two hospitals. The question now is when will the state government and the bureaucracy wake up? Please read the below feature article in Pune Mirror dated July 07, 2009.

Thanks and regards§id=2&contentid=2009070720090707030757573c4a998d9§xslt&pageno=1

Operation Cover-up

25-yr-old pregnant woman is shunted from Aundh hospital to Sassoon. She delivers her son in an ambulance. When Pune Mirror tries to investigate, hospitals begin...

By Vijay Chavan
Posted On Tuesday, July 07, 2009 at 03:07:57 AM

Sujata Wakale (above) with her newborn son, and her hurriedly-prepared medical report (Below) without any signatures or stamps of the concerned authorities

Friday was supposed to be the happiest day of 25-year-old Sujata Manik Wakale’s life, but things took a turn for the worse on that day.

Pimple Nilakh resident Sujata, who was nine months pregnant when she got herself admitted to Aundh General Hospital on Friday, claims she ended up delivering her baby boy in an ambulance with only a hospital sweeper at her side — all because of the callous attitude of two city hospitals.

Sujata was accompanied by her sister to Aundh hospital. After her sister went out to fetch some medicines, Sujata went into labour around 8.30 pm.

Sensing that their shift was about to end, the on-duty doctors decided to shift Sujata to Sassoon General Hospital.

Sujata was sent to Sassoon by an ambulance, and she was accompanied by a lady hospital sweeper. Sujata’s misery didn’t end there.

On reaching Sassoon, she was told that she couldn’t be admitted as she had no relative accompanying her. That is how she ended up delivering her son in an ambulance. It was only after that was she taken back by Aundh hospital.

Aundh hospital’s emergency cover-op
When this reporter turned up at Aundh hospital and enquired with the resident medical officer Dr N G Bhosle, a cover-up operation commenced.

Reports documenting Sujata’s ill-health prior to her delivery were hurriedly assembled, without signatures of concerned doctors or medical officers, and handed over to this reporter.

Inquiry on: hospital
Dr M C Nagare, in-charge of Aundh hospital, said, “We have begun an inquiry into the issue. If any irregularity or negligence is detected, the concerned doctors will definitely be suspended.”

The delivery
Sujata said, “My pain started around 8.30 pm. Then two lady doctors came to examine me. After a few minutes, they advised me to go to Sassoon Hospital.

They asked a lady sweeper who works in the gynaecology ward to accompany me. When we reached Sassoon hospital around 9.30 pm, the doctors there asked if I had brought any relatives with me.

The sweeper refused to stay by my side. In the absence of relatives, the doctors there refused to treat me. I had no option but to return.

“On the way back, around 10 pm, the pain became unbearable and I delivered during the commute, in the vehicle. The sweeper lady took care of me. I was then taken back into Aundh hospital,” Sujata added.

Well equipped, but not so inclinedDr M C Nagare, gynaecologist at Aundh hospital, said, “The hospital has all the necessary equipment to take care of patients.

But if she was sent to Sassoon, the matter must have been serious.” Dr Nagare then directed this reported to talk to Dr Bhosle.

At that time, Bhosle was not in the hospital, and arrived only an hour later. The medical reports that Dr Bhosle showed to this reporter mentioned ‘anaemia and some ECG changes’.

But these reports lacked laboratory stamps and signatures of concerned medical officer on duty. It’s clear that the report was ‘prepared’ at the last moment.

Sassoon hospital’s version
Dr P S Pawar, superintendent of Sassoon hospital, said, “According to our records, a woman had sought admission in our hospital on Friday night.

But she was never denied admission. Any woman who comes in with labour pain has to be admitted even if relatives are absent.

Allegations made by Aundh hospital are baseless. At least 25 delivery cases are registered in our hospital every day. Either the patient refused to get admitted or the woman accompanying her refused to give her company.”

This incident raised the following points
Dr Nagare claims Aundh hospital is well-equipped. If that’s the case, why was Sujata shunted to Sassoon hospital just because of anaemia and minor ECG changes?

The time when Sujata was asked to move to Sassoon hospital coincided with the end of duties for the two lady doctors attending to her. Despite being women themselves, they didn’t seem too keen to take her responsibility after the end of their shift

Ideally, the hospital administration should have sent a nurse or a doctor to accompany Sujata as it was an emergency. But instead, a sweeper was sent with her

Despite knowing that Sassoon hospital won’t accept patients without relatives by their side, why did Aundh hospital authorities send Sujata without somebody in a position of authority by her side?

It seems the government scheme, Janani Suraksha Abhiyan, is not applicable in the government-run Aundh hospital as Sujata claimed to have been harassed for payment of her dues amounting to Rs 350. Hospital authorities allegedly threatened her that they won’t discharge her until she paid her dues

Sujata’s delivery was normal and her baby’s health is fine. There is no mention of any complication in her post-delivery reports

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Attempting to throttle RTI law will only boomerang Dr. Jamkar

Attempting to throttle RTI law will only bommerang Dr. Jamakar

Even after five years if people in government, particularly the high profile and educated class, do not understand a very simple Right to Information Act. 2005, it is the misfortune of the country to have such 'idiots' in the government. And this is plain speaking - the bitter truth.

And it would not be wrong to say that at least in Maharashtra, we have a enough majority of such people, who neither willing to learn nor understand nor implement the provisions in the law, but are one step ahead in trying their best in finding ways how to throttle the RTI law and adopt means and methods to browbeat the appellants, create obstacles and dash out equally 'stupid, irrevelant and meaningless letters" to those who are not even remotely involved with the initial RTI applications. And one such case I had highlighted of the PIO of the BJ Medical College in Pune, in this blog two days ago.

Now since these people, lets summarize them or refer to them as "buffoons" are not able to understand the law in English or taxing their brains to read the fine print of the RTI law, but instead wasting their time and energy in doing all the opposite of the law, let me put the very first paragraph of the RTI law so that they do not indulge in all the stupid acts of trying there useless tricks to harrass and create obstacle in the way of the appellant getting information.

"THE RIGHT TO INFORMATION ACT, 2005 No. 22 of 2005 [15th June, 2005.] An Act to provide for setting out the practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, the constitution of a Central Information Commission and State Information Commissions and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.

WHEREAS the Constitution of India has established democratic Republic; AND WHEREAS democracy requires an informed citizenry and transparency of information which are vital to its functioning and also to contain corruption and to hold Governments and their instrumentalities accountable to the governed;

Now what we witness is that some disgruntled PIO's like that we have in the BJ Medical College do not use their brains to be doing their duties for which they are appointed. Instead they have malicious intentions as how to misguide their superiors and fire illogial and mindless letters. Their sole aim instead of abiding by the law and helping the RTI appellants is more of putting the appellants to inconviences, obstructing the natural path of justice and transparency, and making stupid demands of unreasonable fees.

Such PIO;s and even their superiors the FAA's are doing more harm than good to the law and the country. Such people, as I very rightly described in my blog are 'dead woods' and need to be sacked under the Constitution of Article 311. These people do not understand, that any of their malifide intentions or stupid actions may only create problems for them and more boomerang on them itself.

The main objective of an appellant is to highlight and bring to notice the corruption and demand transparency. And this is very clearly and transparently mentioned in the first paragraph of the law, yet throwing all these to the wind, these ignorant PIO;s and FAA's engage themselves in sabotaging the law.

In a democracy, every citizen has the liberty of freedom of expression and speech. No one can dare take away this freedom from the citizens, least the PIO's or the FAA's. If they try to do so, the government should be potent and not impotent to sack them without delay. Such officials are a misfit in a democracy.

The example of the PIO of BJ Medical College in trying to do one such act by making a demand for an unreasonable fees, can be challenged in the State Information Commission directly under Section 18. He can be punished for such acts and even disciplinary action can be initiated.

Its pity that the FAA of the BJ Medical College, Dr. Arun Jamkar, is not taking the RTI Act seriously. Action on several of my applications and appeals, even on the direction of the State Information Commission, are pending for months and no action is being initiated, which is defiance and contempt of the law.

Important files that relate to my application are missing, and despite several SIC and CIC decisions that the PIO should file FIR for the missing files, are being dilly-dallyed for no justified reasons for several months.

Dr. Jamkar, you are equally guility of showing negligence towards the provisions of the law and this only exhibits that you are trying to shield the PIO as well as disobeying the law and the verbal orders of the Commission. This is not and was not expected from you.

It's time that you as the Dean and the FAA do justice to the law and to your post, honor the law and its provisions, and ensure that the RTI law is respected in letter and spirit.

Yes as a dauntless journalist and speaking dauntlessly, I would like to tell you that it's time that you act and respect the law of the country.

Bal Thackeray hospitalized§ion=0&article=124339&d=7&m=7&y=2009&pix=world.jpg&category=World

Bal Thackeray hospitalized
Shahid Raza Burney Arab News

MUMBAI: A seriously ill 82-year-old Shiv Sena chief Bal Thackeray was rushed to Leelavati Hospital, after he complained of breathlessness on Monday.

Several clinical tests are being conducted prior to Thackeray’s angioplasty for the second time. This is Sena supremo’s second visit to hospital in less than a month. According to Sena sources, Thackeray was feeling restlessness since Sunday morning.

His son and Sena’s Working President Uddhav Thackeray who was abroad, rushed back to Mumbai late Sunday to look after his father. Earlier, doctors contacted Uddhav, who was in the United States, and took consent for his father’s operation.

The president of the Maharashtra Navnirman Sena (MNS), Raj Thackeray, the estranged nephew, visited his uncle at the hospital this afternoon, and inquired about his health.

In another development senior Indian Police Service (IPS) officers in the state and politicians have not taken kindly to the comments of state Home Minister Jayant Patil in Mumbai on Sunday that former state Director General of Police (DGP) A.N. Roy, may return back to his post after the incumbent DGP S.S. Virk retires on July 31.

There is hostility to Roy’s return, as he was removed after a Mumbai High Court order in March, which termed his appointment illegal superseding three senior officers.

Roy also came in for sharp criticism with the opposition leaders demanding his sacking for his failure in handling the Mumbai terror attacks last November while he was in the state DGP seat. Opposition leaders Ramdas Kadam of Shiv Sena and Gopinath Munde of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) raised questions in the assembly as to why Roy was not being sacked, when the then-Chief Minister Vilasrao Deshmukh and the the-Deputy Chief Minister R.R. Patil, taking responsibility of their failure in the terror attacks had resigned. Seeing him back in the post, would snowball into a major controversy, said a Congress leader.

A senior IPS officer told “Arab News” that it would be nice for Roy himself to return to the post after being humiliated and shunted out to a secondary post of the DGP (Police Housing)which was a demotion. Moreover, Roy is unlucky that three major incidents took place during his tenure - the first, the Mumbai train bombings, then the communal riots in Dhule and lastly the Mumbai terror attacks. In all the three he had been a failure,” he said.

According to another officer, it would not be surprising if former Mumbai police commissioner now promoted as DGP, Hassan Gafoor, emerges as a dark horse and spoils Roy’s chances to head the state police one again.

There is a strong possibility that while Roy who is the favorite of the Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) chief Sharad Pawar, whose party holds the home portfolio, Gafoor, who is a favorite of the Congress, may pip Roy to the post. A big majority of IPS officers in the state are in favor of Gafoor being made the next DGP.

Virk and another DGP (Anti-Corruption) V.D. Virkar are retiring this month, therefore according to the seniority list, Roy becomes the senior-most officer to compete for the top post again.

Speaking to journalists on Sunday, Patil hinted that Roy may be back to the key post. Roy was first appointed as DGP (Police Housing) on March 1, 2008. He was then moved as state DGP on February 2009.

After being removed as the DGP by the Mumbai High Court on March 1, 2009, he was moved and made the DGP (Police Housing) again. But Roy went on leave and never joined his new posting and is still on leave. As all his seniors are on verge of retirement, the decks are clear for Roy. But will or will not Roy be in the saddle again in a hostile atmosphere or will it be the Congress which will play a master stroke to unsaddle him and put Gafoor in the saddle, is a matter that is being discussed in police and political circles.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Mumbai terror attacks casulaties could have been minimized

INSPECTION TOUR: A file photo shows Maharashtra’s former Director General of Police (Police Welfare and Housing) Saradeep Singh Virk with his staff in Mumbai.

By: Shahid Raza Burney
Arab News

More than six months have passed since 11 terrorists held Mumbai hostage for over three days with a brazen terror strike in the heart of the city. Now, questions are being asked on the efficacy of the state government during those days.

With ice-cold determination, terrorists conducted 10 coordinated shooting and bombing attacks across India’s financial capital and its largest city. Police and elite members of the National Security Guards (NSG) quelled the attack, but not before the cold-blooded murderers managed to take the lives 173 people and wounding another 308. It was not until Nov. 29 that the last of the sites, the Taj Mahal Hotel, was cleared and secured.

The lone surviving terrorist, Mohammed Ajmal Amir Qasab, is now facing trial in Mumbai’s Special Court. But well before that, the terror strikes took their exacting costs politically with both the Congress Chief Minister Vilasrao Deshmukh and Deputy Chief Minister R.R. Patil of the Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) losing their posts by falling victim to public ire. The then Director General of Police Anami Narayan Roy has also been put on a compulsory waiting list since March 2009.

Could the battle with the terrorists have ended earlier and the casualties minimized? Some police officials say yes and put the blame squarely on the Maharashtra government.

Senior Indian Police Service (IPS) officers who spoke to Arab News agreed that the scenario could have been different had the state government not vacillated and then made a simple error in judgment.

They said that the state government failed to use the services of the then daredevil Director General of Police (Police Welfare and Housing) Saradeep Singh Virk, who had vast experience in combating terrorism during his tenure with the Punjab Police.

Virk, who has the distinction of serving two states, Punjab and Maharashtra, had been conferred the country’s prestigious Padma Shri award and two president’s medals for meritorious services. During Operation Black Thunder in 1988 in Punjab, Virk, then deputy inspector general of police (DIG) in the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF), had sustained a bullet injury to his jaw while combating terrorists in Amritsar’s Golden Temple.

Intelligence failure aside, the question being asked is this: Did the state government not feel that Virk was the man for the job at that moment?

A top-ranking additional director general of police, who did not wish to be named, agreed that the government’s failure to put Virk in charge could have contributed to the final toll being so high. He said that Virk’s experience in combating terrorists could have contributed to a more streamlined and efficient response from the police and could well have saved several lives.

The officials also term it inexplicable that Roy was let off the hook while the state chief minister and his deputy were forced to quit in the aftermath of the attack.

They ask why Roy was not sacked under the Article 311 of the Indian Constitution for negligence. Why did Roy sequester himself in his office during the attacks?

Internal politics at the highest levels among IPS officers was also a contributing factor. With political mentors behind them, some of the ranking officers pushed for power, and Virk — despite his capabilities — was shunted to the sidelines with limited and negligible responsibilities. The rivalries were so intense that Virk became enmeshed in a criminal case to tarnish his image; the court acquitted him within three months.

A demoralized Virk sought a transfer to Punjab, but there too he was caught in the middle of a political vendetta. He sought a transfer back to Maharashtra. Then the incomprehensible happened and, according to some police officials, the state government ignored Virk’s anti-terrorism experience.

Now, Virk has been vindicated.

“If you are not well-prepared then such attacks may happen again,” he said, pledging that he would use his 23 years of experience in combating terrorism to keep the state safe. The fallout of the attacks is still continuing with former Mumbai Police Commissioner Hasan Ghafour a recent victim.

The three-member Action Taken Report (ATR), prepared by senior bureaucrats, also took Roy to task for his failure to act quickly. He was also cited for being instrumental in the delay of summoning the elite NSG commandos from Delhi.

Virk said that several plans are being worked out to combat terrorism and ensure that it does not pop up again. The state police have set up a special force designed to take on terrorists. The Maharashtra police have also started training small groups of police units at district and precinct levels, besides preparing battalions to meeting all types of challenges from terrorists.

“We have completed the work of Phase One in that direction and we will cover Phase Two soon. We have taken an initiative in providing rigorous training to the force. We have even called police from other states to provide input and training.”

The training for the induction of Phase Two of Maharashtra’s first state commando unit, dubbed Force One, was inaugurated recently. Two hundred police personnel have been chosen for Force One after a tough selection process from 1,600 candidates.

During the function, Virk said the Maharashtra police have serious challenges ahead and that the commandos should be ready to face any kind of situation. He said police officers need to lead from the front during emergencies.

“We can’t be leaders in rooms and offices,” he said. “We can’t let our people down.”

That’s what the Maharashtra government lacked during the harrowing three days in November: a strong leader.

Friday, July 3, 2009

BJMC should get rid of the 'dead woods'

The National Right to Information Act. 2005 (NRTI) is now more than five years old, but yet the babus at the lower level who are appointed as State Public Information Officers (SPIOs) and First Appellate Authority (FAA) have are still wandering in the woods not willing to learn the law. And on top we have 'buffons' SPIOs and FAA's who are saddled to look after the NRTI Act. 2005.

The story is no different and more pathetic than that of the SPIO in the state government run BJ Medical College in Pune, where neither the SPIO is willing to learn nor his administrative staff. Here RTI appellents have to run from pillar to post to get simple information. The problem is that both the SPIO and his staff are totally ignorant of the NRTI law despite being helped by the RTI appellants to understand the law. And the worst part is that even the FAA, the Dean of the College is yet to grasp with the law and rightly dispense with the decisions on the first appeals filed by appellants.

A senior IAS officer of the rank of Additional Chief Secretary when highlighted of the prevailing situation of the NRTI in the BJMC commented " blame it on the administrator for this situation. It's like the proverb Jab Raja Bane Vyapari to Praja Bhikari Banti Hain (When the Ruler becomes a businessman, his subjects turn to become beggars). These are all 'dead woods' and the only option or solution is to get rid of them," he said.

I have filed and have been filing several NRTI applications and First Appeals with the BJMC and Sassoon General Hospital administration for the past two years, and believe me, I had only encountered 'Buffoons' more than matured officials here. No one has the knowledge of the simple NRTI Act 2005 which takes not more than five minutes to understand. What these ignorant people do is to provide you wrong, incomplete, misleading, incorrect and evasive replies, forcing you to go in for First and Second Appeals.

Despite reprimands from the State Information Commission and Second Appellate Authority, these officials in the BJMC, do not take lessons. For the appellants it is like musical chairs or merry-go-round. It's not only the SPIO but even the FAA, who take turns in the absence of regular FAA, and more mockingly called "Aaj Ka Dean (Today's Dean) that do not know how to conduct hearings or deliver decisions. So ignorant are these highly qualified and eduated learned people that they do not know the difference between a judgement and decision, or how it is written.

Forget these ignorant Aaj Ka Dean, even the Director of Directorate of Medical Education and Research (DMER) Dr. Wasudev Tayade, himself is totally blank on this front.

One can help laughing at the stupidity and foolishness of the SPIO of the BJMC, the Chief Administrative Officer, one Mr. Ganesh Bardare.
On a NRTI Application filed by me relating to the information on the accounts of the CET Cell of the college,and seeking copies of the 'Vouchers' this ignorant SPIO Mr. Bardare sent me a letter two days ago stating that as per my letter the information was ready and that there are approximately 4000 pages of CET record for which I should pay Rs. 8000/- after which the Xerox copies would be available.

Now let's look at the knowledge and qualification of this SPIO who is a Chief Administrative Officer too. Foremost he should know that what I had submitted to him was a legally NRTI Act. application and not a letter, as referred by him. Secondly, I had sought simple infromation as to the funds received and expenditure occured year wise. Thirdly, I had sought voucher copies, not the huge useless documents, for which the SPIO had sought the equally huge amount.

When, I visited the SPIO office and sought to see the numbers of vouchers, I was surprised that the whole thing was wrongly calculated and that the entire voucher copies would not exceed more than 150. Then how was this amount calculated I asked the official. Sir, I was not told that voucher copies were sought, hence the fees were calculated for all the papers in the files.

Then the fees for 150 voucher copies or less would not have exceeded more than Rs. 300. So what was the contention of the SPIO to demand such a huge amount of fees?

This exhibits the non applicable of mind of the SPIO, who unfortuntely is saddled in an important post of CAO. That's the misfortune of the government and the people, to have such mindless people. This act of the SPIO is an serious matter, which again exhibits his malicious intention to cause harrassment and threat to the appellant so that he does not pursue the matter further and let it die.

The other stupid act of the SPIO was that he marked the copy of his letter sent to me to the State Information Commissiner, the Director of DMER and the Dean of BJMC. Now what does all these people have to do with my NRTI Application, which he has to handle and dispose off? What would one call all this acts of the SPIO Mr. Ganesh Narayan Bardare.

I am putting this on record and also bringing this stupid acts of the SPIO which is only harrassment to the attention of the Minister, Secretary, Director and the Chief Information Commissioner. The SPIO should well read the warnings issued to SPIOs and FAA's from time to time of trying to obstruct and harrassing appellants. The SPIO should also know that such acts like done by him is against the spirit of the law and is liable for disciplinary action. Also he should keep in mind that no one can obstruct a appellant from filing any number of NRTI applications as far as it is in line with the law.

Mr. Dean, Dr. Arun Jamkar, you have a duty towards the citizens of this state and country and more to the laws fo the nation. You should ensure that such tactics as adopted by your CAO which is an attempt to defeat the purpose of the law is stopped immediately. You have a duty to protect the government intergerity as also stand firm against corruption and scams that are in existence in the hospital and college.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

"Too Little, Too Late" Dr. Arun Jamkar

And finally, the curtains drawned on the wonderful and excellent stint of Dr. Dinesh Dayanand Shetty at the Sassoon General Hospital in Pune on Saturday, June 20, 2009. For hundreds of his well wishers, it has been a sad day, but people will always cherish his devotation and dedication and sincerity to his job at the hospital. All last minute sincere efforts by the Dean Dr. Arun Jamkar to stall Dr. Dinesh Shetty's VRS acceptance by the department failed.

The departure of Dr. Dinesh Shetty from the hospital, will mark an end to the service of the poor and many deserving patients. Those who deny this, would only be lying. His life and stint at the hospital can well be described as that of compassion and humality. He took more pride in being a human being than in having blue blood, once quoting Millard Fuller: “It is not your blue blood, your pedigree or your college degree: It’s what you do with your life that counts.”

I was fortunate enough to be his friend and one amongst the hundreds of his well wishers and to slowly come to know the man he was. He was more of a humanist than a doctor. He was a shrewd but a affable doctor, a no-nonsense person at negotiations while dealing with complicated hospital issues, a caring senior Resident Medical Officer to his staff, and a visionary when it came to planning and execution.

But the single quality that surpassed all these others and made him unique was his ability to maintain, at all times and in all circumstances, the personal touch.

He was very much a real person as well as doctor. He knew anger, but never hate; he occasionally forgot, but never neglected; he held strong opinions, but valued and respected others for theirs.

Most admirably if he erred like any other human, he was quick to correct his mistakes when they were brought to his attention. The ease with which he won friends has left a legacy of good will with many people.

Dr. Shetty's departure if I can summarize is a loss to all of us. ‘I’ve lost, you’ve lost, thehospital has lost, the state has lost, and we all have lost’ a good doctor like him. He was an exceptional doctor gifted with unique talents. In hospital and BJ Medical College, he was respectful, sharp and mischievous with a great sense of humor.'

Work pressures and problems never bothered the Dr. Shetty. He always found solutions to problems and took the initiative in solving the problems of others. He never considered himself special and above the common people just because of his status, and always called himself a ‘fellow human being.’

Dr. Shetty treated all people as friends and was very close to the people with whom he worked. He always admired his associates and was proud of them. One rare quality of Dr. Shetty was he always believed in giving full freedom to the people he delegated responsibilities. He put full trust in all those who worked with him. His unique style of administration was the secret of his success.

Dr. Shetty was known for his humanitarian work and was always in the forefront in serving noble causes. He was a prominent personality especially in the media and was largely responsible for the Sassoon General Hospital's rapid growth and success. "The people of Pune and thousnds of poor patients would be sorry to lose him. He had capabilities that are rarely found in most of us. I closely observed the way he functioned and grew in stature. His absence will be widely felt," said a senior Head of Department of Sassoon General Hospital.

"He valued human existence and its niceties. "The good doctor and a best human being, Dr. Shetty was known for his humanitarian work and was always in the forefront in serving noble causes. He was a prominent personality especially in government, private and political circles, and was largely responsible for the Sassoon Hospital's rapid growth and success. We’re sorry to lose him. He had capabilities that are rarely found in most of us. I closely observed the way he functioned and grew in stature. His absence will be widely felt," said Dr. Professor Sanjiv Thakur, Head of Department of Surgery at Sassoon General Hospital.

A senior minister in the state government speaking to me about Dr. Shetty said "He was generous, understood the meaning of friendship and its requirements and was always keen to help people. It’s difficult to fill the vacuum created by his departure from the hospital, which has his blood and sweat in its progress and success. He was a kind-hearted person imbued with human compassion," he said.

A senior journalist said "Dr. Shetty was always eager to help those in need without any show or publicity. No one who approached him ever returned empty-handed. He kept a low profile despite his having close proxmity to several influential politicians and bureaucrats."

I can go on and on and quote several of the achievements of Dr. Dinesh Shetty and the laurels he received from all quarters. It is not that no one is indespensable but that it is really sad to see such good and lovable people like him leave their jobs in disgust, desperation and frustration, due to the pathetic conditions that no one is willing to improve at the Sassoon General Hospital.

It is ofcourse a matter of shame that our bureaucracy, which is part of being called as the best bureaucracy in the most progresive state of the country, has been negligent to act on time and has been found wanting on many fronts relating to the issues that were highlighted by Dr. Shetty, for the betterment and improvement and more in the interest of the hospital and the patients. Everything fell on deaf years of the state governemnt, the bureaucracy and the hospital administration.

We were labelled as a sleeping citizenary, but here it is the government, the bureaucracy and the hospital administration that are sleeping, and being deaf and dumb to the problems that exists for years in the hospital. All acted and have been acting like 'dead wood.' Everyone is interested in milking money, wrongly or rightly, sending a message 'to hell with the people. We don't care.'

I have no hesitation in stating that the affairs at the hospital has gone from worse to worst lately, and this is due to the sheer negligence and turning of blind eye by the Secretary, Medical Education Department, the Director, DMER, and the Dean of the hospital and BJMC. They in my view are responsible and to be blamed for all the mess and hell of a situation that is prevailing here.
Rightly there has to be some transparency and accountablity in the hospital affairs, there is an dire necessity of rooting out the vast corruption, there is more serious problem of ushering in a uncontrolable indiscipline, the immediate need to take disciplinary action against erring officials and employees, without fear or favor.

The Dean, Dr. Arun Jamkar, is a thorough gentleman, a soft hearted person, but then he is defintely weak in taking administrative action or instilling the must required discipline. He should know how to excercise his powers and put nuisance causing officials in their places, adopting to carrot and stick policy, and more going by the rule book. Unfortuantely, Dr. Jamkar falls prey and succumbs to political pressures, implements foolish and mindless advises of his administation staff, rather than using his own mind and discretion.

This is what Dr. Shetty has been trying to tell the Dean and all that are concerned, but everything ends in futile, and the result is that the hospital will soon see an exodus of good doctors like Dr. Shetty, in the near future.

Dr. Arun Jamkar, woke up too late from his slumber to try and make efforts to involve in damage control excercise and to wake up a sleeping DMER, PHD, and related secretaries get up from their dep slumber like him, but though he made all that he could do to stall somehow the VRS of Dr. Shetty and convince him to stay back and pull out his VRS, things did not materialize as neither the fax machines were working nor our Babus at the Secretriat and the DMER were available in their seats. And in such a situation, the Dean, Dr. Arun Jamkar had no option left, but to accept the notice and releive Dr. Shetty with a fond hug.

Concluding, I feel that Dr. Shetty's departure in frustration from the hospital, would not certainly be liked by powerful politicians and ministers from Baramati or Manchar, as Dr. Shetty has helped in organizing several eye and health care camps for poor patients in these places as well as to attending them. The outcome that would fall out, anyone could guess and I would rather prefer to keep my lips sealed till then.

Thank you Dr. Jamkar, you did your best, but then to summarize the whole in short, it si "Too Little, Too Late."

Friday, June 19, 2009

Dr. Dinesh Shetty - Gem of a Doctor

Tribute and Salute to the Messiah of the Poor - Dr. Dinesh Shetty

Glowing tributes with broken hearts would be paid on Saturday, June 20, 2009, by hundreds of well wishers, patients, doctors, politicians and journalists to Dr. Dinesh Dayanand Shetty, the upright, affable and lovable Senior Resident Medical Officer of the Sassoon General Hospital in Pune, as he bows out after more than 23 years of devoted service with sincerity and dignity, which no doctor in the hospital had ever achieved. His sincerity, dedication, devotation and service to the patients irrespective of their status would long and fondly be remembered. The only regret is that he thought it best to opt for Volunatary Retirement Scheme (VRS) more out of compulsion and frustration at the pathetic prevailing conditions of the Sassoon General Hospital, which he tried his level best to improve, but single handedly he could not achieve much.
There were many of the qualities for which Dr. Dinesh was applauded and appreciated. He had a impeccable image as non-corrupt, dauntless, blunt, affable, upright, and very helpful doctor. More he was a model role of a messiah of the patients irrespective of their status. He had personal and very close cordial contacts with several ministers, politicians of several parties, senior bureaucrats, senior journalists, several high court and local court judges and social workers, but the greatest beauty of his was that he never ever exploited this close proximity of relatins with them for his personal reason.
I am a witness to his wider contacts group, and know for sure that he was the darling of the powerful Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) leader and Maharashtra Finance Minister Dilip Walse- Patil. I am sure that Dr. Shetty's departure would come as a blow to the minister from Manchar in Pune district.I can vouch that he had more admirers than detractors in the hospital and the BJMC.
Dr. Shetty was more of an asset to the hospital and BJ Medical College than as a liablity like others. I recollect that during the last six months frustration was creeping in him at the deterioting condition in the hospital. He was more concerned about the hospital than of other things. He was always on the fore front of helping patients and understanding their problems and issues. He was the messiah for the poor patients. He was a strong link between the patients and the doctors. He was the one doctor in the hospital who was respected by every resident doctor, intern, head of departments and even the several deans that came and went from the BJMC.
I also remember how politicians respected him and loved him. The most favorable quote of paying a tribute to Dr. Shetty as the best doctor that the hospital would have came from Avinash Gofane, Deputy Sarpanch of Baramati and a powerful politician and close aide of federal agriculuture minister and NCP chief Sharad Pawar.
Dr. Shetty had the God's given gift to tackle and handle any situation with finesse. He came to rescue of several doctors that included Heads of Departments, who approached him to help them in their various issues.
Be it the Director of Public Health Department, or the Deputy Directors of the same department or senior IAS officers, Director of DMER or secretaries of the ministers, he was the doctor that they always looked forward to interact.
When Dr. Dinesh Shetty put in his papers for VRS in frustration of things failing at the hospital and an unwilling administration not willing to usher in discipline and put things on the right tract, several of his well wishers tried to persuade him to hold on and that his departure would be a set back to the poor patients in particular, but it appeared that Dr. Shetty had made up his mind and not willing to budge.
It's most unfortunate that no efforts were made by the hospital and BJMC administration to talk over to Dr. Shetty and persue him to withdraw his VRS. Thre was no such move. The gesture was just missing. This signified that no one cares what the hell goes with the patients or the hospital. That's a ungrateful gesture that was exhibited by the hospital and the medical institution. This is what is in store for upright, honest and non-corrupt doctors, while corrupt and corruption continues to thrive and is at its peak.
I saluate this great doctor, the messiah of the patients, a doctor that kept low profile and rendered service to the hosptial and the patients with complete humility and kindness.
Dear Dr. Shetty, you will always remain deep in the hearts of your well wishers and the patients and would long be remembered but not forgotten.
For me, your departure from the hospital is a bigger loss on a personal front, and so to the many who had love for you deep in their hearts. But I am sure that you would continue to be now more active on the social work scene, as you no longer remain bonded by any restrictions and is free bird now.
I wish you a very happy and prosperous future.God Bless You.
Shahid Raza Burney alias Sting Journo

Yes - Dauntlessly Speaking Blog

For a long time I had been thinking to create a blog that would put forth my views and that of others, which I had not been able to push thru in the electronic or print media for some reasons. Somewhere down the line it was the newspapers policy to hold back blunt stories that would make dent in the careers or lives of people, which the editors or the owners did not wish to offend.
Many of my journalist, politician, police officers, bureaucrats, diplomats and doctor friends have been insisting and prompting me to create a blog which would benefit people in one way or the other. The question was how to manage time for the blog amidst the heavy work schedule, RTI and the Social work. But finally, it dawned upon me that the time has come where I have to manage time for the blog work.
The time came today, as it pushed me to create it after being sad and disheartened to see a very good friend Dr. Dinesh Shetty, Senior Resident Medical Officer (RMO) of Pune's Sassoon General Hospital bid good bye after more than 20 years service with the Public Health Department (PWD) of the Maharashtra government. I will be writing more on this great doctor and his services to the patients, irrespective of their status. But what hurts most to see this doctor go, is his utter frustration with a badly managed or say administered government hospital, where things fail to improve.
I am sure that apart from the thousands of poor patients, well wishers, friends and ofcourse his detractors, the most that would be sad would be the honorable Minister for Finance of the Maharashtra government Dilip Walse-Patil, as also several political leaders.
But then, like all who know about the issues that reflect about Sassoon General Hospital, things would perhaps never improve, and good doctors like Shetty and others would also depart in frustration.
I know it would not be possible for me to put a professional touch to this blog, but I would be too pleased to receive your negative or positive feedback.
- Sting Journo -